Our Faith and Hope, and Our Values



Our Faith and Hope

We believe that the power of Love is working throughout the earth,
in often hidden ways, and through much suffering,
to move nations, cultures, families, and each unique child of God
along the path of justice, freedom, peace, and a deep respect for life.

This faith is also our hope, and this hope guides our work.

Community for Humanity is a non-profit organization of Jesus-followers that seeks to join our lives and hearts with this movement toward peace.


Our Values

Individual Dignity and Respect for Life

Individual Dignity:  The dignity of each individual is grounded in creation: we are made in the image of our Creator, and declared by God to be “very good”.  Each person has unique and sacred value, and the life of each must be accorded great dignity and respect.

Respect for Life: We seek to nurture a culture of respect for life.  Respect for life encompasses all of those rights that uphold the dignity of humanity: the right to clean water and sanitation, to adequate food, to a decent house, to work without exploitation, and to education and health care.

Community and Solidarity

Community:  Community is the fruit of an attitude of unconditional love toward each person we encounter.  Unconditional love is “my commitment to you”, without demanding reciprocation. It allows us to maintain that level of friendship where honest dialog can occur.  Through honest dialog, we seek to grow in community with all those we encounter and work with.

Solidarity:  Solidarity springs from our common humanity, our common hope, and our common commitment to the cause engendered by that hope.  Solidarity moves us to see the situation of those we are working with from their perspective and to work together, with and not for our brothers and sisters.

Participation and Self-Determination

Participation:  The individual dignity of men and women requires the ability of each to participate in all decisions affecting the development of their family or community.

Self-determination:  Families and communities set the agenda and priorities for development, devise the plans to implement their vision, and are actively involved in the development work.

Servant Leadership and Subsidiarity

Servant leadership: Servant leadership involves carrying responsibility for others, not exercising authority over others; it is based on earned respect, not on holding a position; and it functions by example, by persuasion, and by ensuring that all voices are heard.

Subsidiarity: We decide issues together at the level of organization closest to those affected.

Accountability and Transparency

Accountability:  We actively seek others’ perspectives and are open to correction and growth.

Transparency:  We are open, with nothing to hide and willing to freely share information needed.